Responsible investing

Fiduciary duty, sustainable ownership, ESG and risk management are part of our DNA. We have successfully integrated them into our investment processes for decades.

Investing for all our futures

We want to invest the right way that secures the best long-term outcomes for members, developing and investing in innovative solutions that are aligned with our investment beliefs.

The merits of being a fiduciary manager are that we can use our scale on investment strategy and good governance structures for the collective benefit of the schemes we support. As part of our fiduciary duty, we have created rigorous frameworks to avoid unintended risk and manage other risks as they arise.

We believe that financial and sustainability outcomes are not mutually exclusive – they are complementary and integral to protecting our members' interests over the long term. As a result, we have a best-in-class, fully integrated approach to achieving financial and sustainability outcomes for members.

We are in a privileged position to operate on behalf of our members, so have a duty to engage and collaborate in a meaningful way to drive positive outcomes for them. We ultimately want businesses and society to thrive and so we seek to have a positive influence on creating a better world for our members to retire into.

We operate in a considered, deliberate, and substantive way. This means taking time to conduct deep research and create clear roadmaps for our engagement and utilising the wide range of stewardship tools at our disposal, tailoring engagement in each scenario to be the most effective in driving long-term change.

Collaboration is central to our approach and to ensure our engagement is having the most impact to drive collective change.

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